
  • Are there seeds of intention that you planted in the fall or winter that have lain dormant and are now ready to emerge and have you actively tend to them? 

  • Are there projects or ideas that are ready to be birthed? 

  • Truths that you are ready to awaken to?

  • What possibilities are emerging?


  • What actions do you want to commit to as the energy of the Earth grows and blossoms? 

  • What passions are you ready to pursue? 

  • How will you nurture your inspiration in the coming months?

  • How will you fuel your creative fire?


  • Are there any stagnant or unhelpful ideas or energies that accumulated over the winter that need to be cleansed to make room for new growth? 

  • Does your physical/mental/spiritual body need attention and cleansing?

  • What emotions are calling for expression?

  • How will you self-express as the energies of spring ignite within your body and the earth?


  • If you fell into any unhealthy behaviour or rumination patterns over the winter, consider how you can release these now. 

  • Consider if these behaviours and beliefs belong to you or are they ancestral? 

  • Have you gained any personal wisdom during the long dark of winter?

  • How will the lessons of the winter enrich the fertile soils of spring?