Soul Council Session

beautiful picture of stars meant to connect the viewer with the idea of spirit guides

You have spirit guides, whether you know it or not…

They are here to cheer you on and support you in this life, offering protection, wisdom, and guidance.

But how do you access this guidance directly? In a Soul Council Session, I walk you through a process where you will connect with your guides and call upon their wisdom.

The best part? Once we’ve moved through this practice together, you’ll know how to do it for yourself so you can deepen the relationship and call upon your guides any time you need them!

Calling a Soul Council is a powerful tool for those seeking direction, clarity, answers, outcomes, or comfort. Are you ready?

Reasons you might choose to book a session…

  • You feel torn about a choice you need to make and can’t decide.

  • You are confused about why you are stuck in a rut or what you need to do to get out of it.

  • You’ve been unable to manifest that thing that your soul is craving, no matter how hard you try.

  • You are seeking answers to a question and have been unable to find them.

  • You are yearning for some comfort amidst the turmoil and heartbreak of life.

  • That was beautiful, I feel very held right now, thank you so much. I feel like I got so much more out of that than I was even capable of experiencing. We absolutely have to do this again!

    Michelle MacDonald

  • I love this magic. I love spirituality and finding people to help me navigate this realm. Thank you for holding space for me and gently guiding me through this session with such love and grace. It was a very out of body experience and we have some very strong answers to some questions that I put forward at the beginning.

    Jen Young

  • Thank you so much for reminding me that everything is accessible inside of me. That's really powerful to know.
