Unleash Your Inner Witch

A Beginner’s Course in Witchcraft for the Woo Curious

You don’t need to change everything to experience more magic in your day-to-day…

I remember staring out my kitchen window in 2016 with a burning restlessness inside my belly, unable to shake the feeling that this life had to hold more for me than the reality I was currently living.

I felt trapped by a life where everything appeared pretty perfect on the surface, where I had nothing to complain about, but underneath my soul was screaming for more.

When I finally listened… a world of magic opened up before my eyes and life took on a potency and beauty that I never could have imagined.

What I discovered was an abundance of simple tools and practices that I could weave into my day-to-day life.

The impact of integrating these tools into my daily routines (soon to be rituals) was disproportionate to their simplicity… it felt like magic.

Does any of this sound like you…?

You keep getting inklings that there has got to be more to life than this, but you aren’t quite sure what it is…

Waking up in a panic for no real reason is pretty normal and you never fully seem to shake that underlying feeling of anxiety…

There’s a nagging sense that your circle of friends is not the circle you are meant to be a part of…

  • …own a tarot deck or two but feel uncomfortable pulling cards when anyone is around or aren’t really sure what to do with them.

  • …find yourself drawn to the crystals at your local maker’s market but are embarrassed to admit you’d like to believe they are more than just pretty.

  • …know your horoscope but like, what the heck do they mean when they ask what your rising sign is.

  • …sense that there is more magic and meaning to life but aren’t quite sure how to uncover it.

  • …feel something stirring in you when you hear the word “witch” but you aren’t sure why.

Or maybe you…

  • Unleash Your Inner Witch has not disappointed. In fact it's beyond my wildest dreams. From ritual to prayer to healing our inner witch wounds, it's been full of so much magic. I love Eileen, her energy/ vulnerability and most of all the community that has made me realize I'm not alone.

    Ginny Barker

  • “Eileen has so much beautiful wisdom to share. Through the Unleash course she shares her wisdom, but even more importantly, teaches us how to tap into our own true knowing and groundedness. Unleash is such a unique and magical course that I think every woman should take!!”

    Emma Marshall

  • Eileen holds space for all of our questions and allows us the freedom to lean into our intuition at every step. I would highly recommend working with her in any capacity and have thoroughly enjoyed this course!

    Jana Stevenson

What can I expect to learn in this course?

  • learn what ritual is and how to weave it into your life (pssst, this is called “magic”)

  • understand how past traumas live in your bones and how to heal them

  • how to connect with your spirit guides and communicate with them for ongoing guidance

  • learn how to use the tools of the trade - crystals, tarot, oracles, pendulums, herbs, altars, spellcasting…

What will I walk away with after completing the course?

  • a deeper connection with your spirit guides and ancestors (the ones who’ve been whispering in your ears for years now)

  • the courage and confidence to go after what you really want in this life (witch wound be damned!) - the job, the raise, the love, the dream

  • trust in your intuition and connection to your divine feminine power, your body, and the earth

  • more deeply meaningful and supportive connections with other women (and the skills to cultivate these connections throughout your life)

  • the indescribable power and safety of having come home to yourself

Are you ready to enchant your life and come home to yourself?

You have questions? I have answers!

  • Time: All classes will be held at 1 pm MST

    Dates: October 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29, November 6

    All sessions are recorded for those who can’t attend live.

  • There are BONUSES for those on the Waitlist, do yourself a favour and hop on!

    6 Weeks of LIVE community calls

    A beautiful workbook PDF to support your journey

    WhatsApp group chat to deepen your learning, practice, and connection

    Lifetime access to call recordings

    A sense of coming home to yourself, deeper trust in your intuition, and a life enriched with everyday magic ✨

  • Every call will be recorded and the replay will be sent out by email the same day. Many past participants have expressed of the course even though they were unable to attend the majority of the calls live.

  • I'll be honest with you...

    Just 4 years ago, if you had told me I would be teaching a class all about witchcraft, meeting spirit guides, ancestor work, and ritual, I probably would have laughed in your face!

    While I was no longer calling myself an atheist in 2021... I sure as heck didn't believe in energy healing, spirit guides, and magic. Not really.

    I mean, I wanted to believe... much as I desperately wanted to believe in Santa as a child.

    Why am I telling you this?

    Shouldn't I be selling you on how much of an EXPERT I am in all things Woo and Witchcraft, not telling you how new I am to all of it? ----> in a word, No.

    I believe that part of WHY you are going to want to sign up for Unleash Your Inner Witch and learn from ME...

    ...is because I remember EXACTLY how it feels to be in the early stages of leaning towards spirituality and all the trappings of a more magical life.

    Of really really WANTING to believe... but not quite being able to wrap my scientific brain around the credibility of it all.

    And that's the beauty of this work and this path. You don't need to enter into it with full belief. Open curiosity with a healthy dose of skepticism will do just fine.

    The work... works, regardless. That's the magic of it.

  • Yes! The beauty of this work is that much of it is simply in the learning, the uncovering, the knowings that you gain from engaging with the material.

    The practices that I teach you to weave into your days are all simple and you are meant to pick and choose what actually fits into your life.

    It’s the little things that make such a big difference over time… if you don’t start now… when?

  • $497 pay-in-full

    $166 x 3 monthly payments