2 years ago I had a vision…

A vision of an easeful, rest-filled holiday season. 

A vision of women everywhere being able to slow the f*ck down and actually enjoy the magic and connection that this time of year can bring.

…because even though there is magic, this is also one of the most stressful times of year for many.

There are parties to attend, and goodies to be baked, and school performances to get to, and family dynamics to navigate, not to mention choosing and buying gifts for everyone.

(I know I'm not the only woman who buys all the gifts for her family "from" her partner - hello extra decision fatigue... just what you needed right?)

It is often up to mothers to create the magic of the season for little ones as well, adding more layers to an already mille-feuille'd to-do list (I'm cracking myself up right now, anyone get that reference?!).

Okay, okay, so "WHAT can I do about this?" you ask ‡️

You can join #Restmas for 21 Days of Rest starting on December 1st (it's completely FREE)!

Each day you will receive a simple guided meditation, mindfulness prompt, or short rest practice to help you weave more calm and ease through your holidays this year.

PLUS! As a new addition this year, I'll be hosting live Guided Rest practices throughout... because when we schedule rest into our calendars and commit in supported community, we are far more likely to succeed at actually integrating it.

So what are you waiting for?! Sign up for #RESTMAS today and for all that is good and holy, invite your friends!

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You can join #RESTMAS 2024… it’s FREE!

Meet your guide

Eileen March

Eileen is a Certified Life Coach, Wild Medicine Energy Healer, Podcast Host, and Slow-Living Witch. After burning out in her career as a midwife, she wanted to continue to connect with and empower women.

Through her unique blend of coaching and energy healing, Eileen gently guides women & female-identifying folks home to themselves and into relationship with the cyclical energies of the earth so they can begin to rest without guilt, step into their power, and create the life they truly desire. 

She works with women in both intimate group containers, seasonal women's circle ceremonies, as well as through 1:1 mentorship and support.
