Full Year of Ceremonies - Online


Are you ready to commit to a full year of sitting in circle and honouring the changing of the seasons?

Embark on your year-long journey through the Wheel of the Year and experience the life-changing magic of slowing down and tuning in to the energetic shifts in the world and in your body as the wheel turns.

This package gives you an invitation to all 8 Ceremonies, each of which includes:

  • Learn about the traditions, history, and celebrations of the Wheel of the Year.

  • Grounding ritual and connecting to the Earth.

  • Reflect on the significance of this time and set intentions as we pause in the deepest dark before we begin to move back towards the light.

  • Card pull for the group.

  • Rich discussion and connection in sisterhood.

  • Recording provided (EXCLUDING discussion)

** Dates and times can be found here

**You will receive a welcome email with a calendar link within 24 hours of purchase.

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